Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Athlete research

 WALT find information and write it in our own words
I want to learn more about the paralympics.
I learnt that everyone has a different bodies.

Hope you enjoy.

Monday, 16 August 2021

The Longest walk.

              Two  weeks ago  my reading group were  reading a 

book called: The Longest walk.

here is my Timeline and my Paparoa Track

Hope you enjoy.

Paparoa Track

The paparoa track starts in blackball 30 minutes out of greymouth.  It finishes in the world-famous home of the Pancake Rocks, Punakaiki.when you do the paparoa track these are the huts you will stay at Ces clack hut, Moonlight hut and pororari hut.The best time to walk the Paparoa track is the 1st of october to the 30 of april.To go on the Paparoa track you should be a grade 4 bacouse there is a lot of steep climbs.

Friday, 13 August 2021


            This week my reading group have been  reading a 

book called: Harakeke.

Here is my Harakeke uses and my  Harakeke Instructions

Hope you enjoy.

How to weave a Harakeke Flower


Purpose: We are  Learning how to weave a flower so we can have it as a decoration.

Equipment Flax or Palm Leaves ( 1 per flower ), Scissor’s , a  Needle and Little beads or shells.

Steps to make 

  1. Split the flax in half (from the sharp point down) but leave about 15 cm still joined (leave longer if you want a longer stem)

  1. Lie the flax flat on a table and start by crossing the left leaf under the right one.  Then fold that now left one back under the right one.

3.Then continue to fold the one that’s now on the left under the right one, and you are going to keep doing this same pattern until you get to the end.  So, to recap, always fold the one that is on the left under the one that’s on the right.

4.Eventually, you will get to the end of the leaf and because of the way the folds work it ends up in the shape of a flower.

5.Pull it around in a circle quite tight so that it almost looks like a rose.  Then you want to get your pieces of shell or paua, needle and nylon.

6. Thread through the leaf and then through your shell or bead.  Thread back to the backside of the flower and then to the front again and continue to         the back again – knot it off.

7. As mentioned earlier these can make a neat little gift as you can pop them in a box and post them – could be a great gift idea for the grandparents!

Monday, 9 August 2021

compare and contrast.

 This last  week my reading group have been reading a 

book called: Subantarctic Island.

here is my compare and contrast 

Hope you enjoy.